Sketchpy Python Programs

Python Program To Draw Vijay Thalapathy

Last updated January 31, 2024 by Jarvis Silva

In this tutorial I will show you how to create python program to draw Vijay Thalapathy, He is one of the most popular and best south indian actor, I am a fan of him and I love his movies so I decided to draw Vijary using python.

To create this program we will use the sketchpy library which allows us to create sketch of anything by just providing a image, so you need to install this library to install use below command.

pip install sketchpy

After installing the library let’s see the code for this program.

Python Code To Draw Vijay Thalapathy

from sketchpy import library

img = library.vijay()

Above is 3 lines of code to draw Vijary, you must be surprised to see such a small code to draw a vijary well sketchpy has a builtin function to draw actor Vijay all the complex code is handled by sketchpy, Now if you run the program it will open a new window and start drawing, below is the finished output.

Vijay Thalapathy Drawing

Also Python Program To Draw BTS

As you can see from the above image we successfully drawn Vijay using python, I hope you found this intresting and share this program with Vijay sir fans. Thank you for reading, Have a nice day 😊