Python Conversion Programs

Convert Rupee to Paise in Python

Last updated January 31, 2024 by Jarvis Silva

In this tutorial we will see how to convert rupee to paise in python, it is very simple we just have multiply rupees with 1000 paise because 1 rupee is 100 paises.

Example 1

Input: 10 Rupees
Output: 1000 paise

Example 2

Input: 5 Rupees
Output: 500 paise

From the above example you can see that we give it an input of 10 rupees, then it will give the output of 1000 paise. Now let’s see how to do this in code.

Python Code To Convert Rupee To Paise

paise = 100
rs = int(input('Enter amount in rupees: '))

result = rs * paise

print(f"{result} paise")

Above is the code to convert rupees to paise, as you can see we first define how much 1 rupee is in paise which is 100 then we multiply rupees with paise and prints the result in rupees.

You can now run the program on your computer or you can use an online python compiler.

Enter amount in rupees: 100
10000 paise

If you don’t have python installed on your computer, To install python, refer to this guide: Install and setup python on your computer. 

This was the program to convert rupee to paise in python. I hope you found this tutorial helpful and useful. Do share this with your friends who need this program.

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