Python Programs

Making A Simple Python Budget program

Last updated May 1, 2023 by Jarvis Silva

Want to make a budget program in python, then today in this guide I will show you how to make a simple python budget program which will allow you to manage your budget very easily.

Doing your budget is very important, If you are a programmer then you can do your budget by using your python skills and it is very easy to implement budget functionality in python.

What will this budget program be able to do:

  • You can add your income sources
  • You can add your expenses
  • It will tell you your total expenses
  • It will calculate and tell your budget

Enough of talking now let’s see how to make this program in code.

Python Budget Program Source Code

import os
import sys

class Application():
    def __init__(self):
        self.income = 0
        self.expenses = 0
        self.expense_list = []
        self.expense_name = []
        self.income_name = []
        self.income_list = []

    def income_ask(self):
        add_income = input('Add income? [y/n]: ')
        return add_income

    def income_sum(self):
        self.income = sum(self.income_list)

    def expense_ask(self):
        add_expense = input('Add expense? [y/n]: ')
        return add_expense

    def expense_sum(self):
        self.expenses = sum(self.expense_list)

    def income_check(self):
        if not self.income_list:
            print('Please enter atleast one source of income. ')

    def expense_check(self):
        if not self.expense_list:
            print('Please enter atleast one expense. ')

    def prompt_income(self):
        x = False
        while not x:
            result = self.income_ask()
            if result == 'y':
                income_input = int(input('Enter source of income. [Numbers Only]: '))
                income_name = input('Enter income name. [Name Only]: ')
                x = True
        name = [name for name in self.income_name]
        income = [income for income in self.income_list]
        incomedict = dict(zip(name, income))
        for k in incomedict:
            print(k + ': ', '$' + str(incomedict[k]))
        print('Total user income: ', '$' + str(self.income))

    def prompt_expense(self):
        x = False
        while not x:
            result = self.expense_ask()
            if result == 'y':
                expense_input = int(input('Enter expense amount. [Numbers Only]: '))
                expense_name = input('Enter expense name. [Name Only]: ')
                x = True
        name = [name for name in self.expense_name]
        expense = [income for income in self.expense_list]
        expensedict = dict(zip(name, expense))
        for k in expensedict:
            print(k + ': ', '$' + str(expensedict[k]))
        print('Total user expenses: ', '$' + str(self.expenses))

    def uservalue(self):
        valoutput = self.income - self.expenses
        if valoutput < 0:
            print('You are in the negative, you have a deficit of ' + '$' + str(valoutput))
        if valoutput == 0:
            print('You have broken even, you are spending exactly as much as you make.')
        if valoutput > 0:
            print('You are in the positive, you have a surplus of ' + '$' + str(valoutput))
        another = input('Would you like to run another analysis? [y/n]: ')
        if another == 'y':

    def reset_program(self):
        self.income = 0
        self.expenses = 0
        del self.expense_list[0:]
        del self.expense_name[0:]
        del self.income_name[0:]
        del self.income_list[0:]

    def close_program(self):
        print('Exiting Program.')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Above is the code for this budget program, copy it and paste it into your python file and run the file on your computer or use an online compiler.

This is an command line program has no gui, below is an example output of how this program works when your run it.

Add income? [y/n]: y
Enter source of income. [Numbers Only]: 1000
Enter income name. [Name Only]: Job
Add income? [y/n]: y
Enter source of income. [Numbers Only]: 200
Enter income name. [Name Only]: Real estate
Add income? [y/n]: n
Job:  $1000
Real estate:  $200
Total user income:  $1200
Add expense? [y/n]: y
Enter expense amount. [Numbers Only]: 400
Enter expense name. [Name Only]: Groceries
Add expense? [y/n]: y
Enter expense amount. [Numbers Only]: 200
Enter expense name. [Name Only]: Recharge
Add expense? [y/n]: n
Groceries:  $400
Recharge:  $200
Total user expenses:  $600
You are in the positive, you have a surplus of $600
Would you like to run another analysis? [y/n]: n
Exiting Program.

First it will ask you to add your income source and income you need to type y or n you need to enter y to enter your income after that it will ask you how much is your income and what is the name of the income.

You can add as many income sources after you need to at least add one to continue after that it will ask you to enter your expenses.

Finally, it will calculate your expenses and income and tell you your budget and if you are overspending. You can create another budget report if not, it will end the program.


So this was the python budget program, you can now track your income and expenses using python programming.

Here are some more python programs guides you may find helpful:

I hope you found this tutorial helpful and you found what you were looking for, do share this tutorial with your friends who might need it and If you want more python tutorials like this, then do join our Telegram channel for future updates.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day 🙂