Draw Lord Shiva Using Python
Published October 30, 2023 by Jarvis Silva
In this python tutorial I will show you how to draw lord shiva using python, Shiva is the supreme lord in hinduism worshipped in hinduism he creates, protects and transforms the universe.
To create this python program to draw lord shiva we will use the python library sketchpy, it is a library which allows us to create sketch of anything by just providing a image, you need to install sketchpy to install use below command:
pip install sketchpy
After installing let’s see the code of this program.
Python code to draw lord shiva
from sketchpy import canvas
img = canvas.sketch_from_image("shiva.jpg")
Above is the complete python code to draw lord shiva as you can see it is just 3 lines of code, we give a image of lord shiva in the sketch_from_image() function so before running you need to give it a image of shiva, you can download the image I used from below.
After downloading the image, move it in your python program folder and add the image path name inside the sketch_from_image() function and run the program.

Also Read: Draw Radha Krishna Using Python.
Above is the drawing of lord shiva you will get after running this python program, as you can see we successfully created this program, do share it with your friends. Thank you for reading, Have a nice day 😊